

Life should be easy-going. Enjoy a brunch, or an afternoon tea, or a dinner with the company of good friends, great weather, ambient atmosphere, and good music - isn't that what we should live for?

Latest attempt


炸冬甩,香蕉熱情果 mousse 凍餅, 芒果 pancake 千層蛋糕, 菠蘿飽, 朱古力梳乎厘, 南瓜鬆餅

圖中的美麗造型當然不是出自我和同學仔的手,只不過找來作勵志的目的。這班的優點是有實習的機會,因為只有親手製作才知道其中的易難處或容易出錯的地方,而且可以帶製成品回家,有很大的滿足感。 [2008年7月]

隨心所創的Eggs Florentine

我最近在尖沙咀厚福街的798 Unit & Co.吃了一個Eggs Florentine 的 brunch,是在很美味的烘過的english muffin上面放了水煮波菜及半熟的水煮荷包疍(poached egg),疍上再放些 melted cheese,很簡單又很有層次感的一道菜。

後來上網查看,原來 Eggs Florentine 是 Eggs Benedict 變化出來的,維基百科記載 Eggs Benedict 是1942年一個 New Yorker 的創作,用的是 ham and egg,當然現在最出名的是 McDonald's McMuffin 啦!Eggs Florentine 不用 ham 而用波菜代替,疍上面可以淋上白汁或 hollandaise sauce。

星期日反正也是悠悠閒,我也來弄個自家製的 Eggs Florentine 做 brunch,沒有 english muffin,不過用從 Pumpernickel 買來的 Honey and almond bread 一樣好味,脆脆的果仁更豐富了口感。

我把厚切麵包用 grill pan 烘,貪其一條條好看的坑紋。麵包先塗上牛油,放幾片生的沙律 baby spinach leaves 墊底,再放上一撮用熱水略灼過並略為瀝乾的 baby spinach,然後舖上水煮疍,加s alt and freshly ground black pepper,加些 grated cheese,放在烤爐中烤至芝士溶化。

水煮荷包疍(poached egg):燒一鍋沸水,打一隻生疍放在湯杓(湯「殼」)裏,然後拿著湯杓放進沸水裏約兩分鐘煮至半熟。用湯杓可固定疍的形狀,避免變了疍花。也有人教放些醋在沸水中,我未試過。

Cheese:我用了 Gruyere,味道頗濃,我相信 Mozzarella 也許會更夾,不過其實用甚麼芝士也無所謂,各取所好。


An Italian Feast 意大利新煮意 2007年三月剛去完意大利旅行,買了好些美食手信回家,於是便?了一餐意大利菜招呼朋友,試試我此行對北意飲食文化實地考察後的深層領會及重拾集體回憶,無他,給大家多一個大吃一頓的藉口.......


January gathering with fellow divers


Christmas Dinner 2006


Sunday 請了潛水班 friends 來家中吃飯,順便一齊看 2006 年九月 Komodo Diving Trip DVD 首映,這次 dive trip 極之精彩,珊瑚和魚的種類多不勝數.....




mussel linguini spaghetti carbonara meat ball spaghetti thai crab pot strawberry & biscuit cream dessert



Smoked salmon egg roll with chives and cream cheese

1. Whisk eggs and fry egg pancakes on a non-stick frying pan. Use kitchen towels to soak excess oil and separate pancakes on a plate.
2. When the pancakes are cooled, spread a thick layer of cream cheese on each pancake. Then top with chopped chives and smoked salmon. Season with salt and pepper, and drizzle a little lemon juice.
3. Roll the pancakes and cut into pieces of 2cm thick. Arrange them on a plate and ready for party!

Jamie Oliver is my favourite chef. His recipes are easy to follow and taste great.I love his passion for food, and his programmes are truly entertaining. If you buy cookbooks, you definitely have to go for hardbacks even though these are more expensive - paperbacks just flipover.